Thursday, April 26, 2007

It Always Rains on Me

When something bad or disappointing happened, you just needed to be left feeling down alone. This premise was put forth by Scottish band Travis’s vocalist/song-writer Fran Healy who commented about their song--”Why Does It Always Rain on Me”. I didn’t get it at first. I mean, it’s hard to believe that anybody would enjoy feeling down. Nevertheless, personal experience (and Oprah) finally proves it right.

I consider myself a very optimistic person. This assumption is true, most of the times. However, I had a hard time get myself back together after a disappointment recently. Probably it’s more accurate to say that I “lost strength” instead of “having hard time”. Cheering up and convincing yourself that everything would be alright were tiring. I felt like I didn’t have the energy to do that anymore. Wallowing in self-pity was much easier and that’s what I did. I even kind of like it. Strange indeed. Apparently, Fran Healy was right after all.

Since feeling down can be quite enjoyable, there’s nothing wrong about feeling that way as long as you don’t overdo it. We have to bear in mind that there’s the danger of letting ourselves into that state of mind for far too long. Some people might choose to remain sad and helpless because it takes strength and courage to move on. In other case, people might not be able to snap it out of their despair because they’re in to deep and don’t know how to get out of it.

Either way, it depends on the people around them to read the signs (retreating from society, constantly having bad mood, suicidal ideas--you know, stuff like that) and do something to help. Even simple thing like listening, REALLY listening, to them could be major help. If you choose to be ignorant or unsympathetic to those who’re in despair, it’ll always rain on them and who knows, they might die of thunderstruck one day.

Author’s Notes: Dedicated to Nilam who made me feel much, much better after talking to her. Thanks a lot!