Thursday, January 04, 2007

Harry Potter: The End of His Story

Yes, it’s official. J. K. Rowling had announced that the last installment of Harry Potter series would be entitled “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”. Just as expected, fans everywhere greets it with excitement: chat-rooms and forums being crowded by people posting their view on it, in depth analyses of the title in the form of essays being published online, obsessed teenage fans debating over whether Dan Radcliffe should’ve kissed the girl who played Cho Chang in the next Harry Potter movie or not.... Erm, yes, those are the things people do in anticipation of the next Potter book, except for the last one--which is absolutely irrelevant--regardless of the fact that some obsessed teenage fans (of Dan Radcliffe, I suppose) really DO debate over the matter.

Prior to the announcement, I was convinced that the story wouldn’t end with Harry’s death. Now, I’m not so sure anymore. It’s not so much because of the seventh book’s title or Ms. Rowling’s statement (saying that she would go through a “mourning period” before starting her next work). I mean, having “Deadly Hallows” on its’ title doesn’t mean that the leading man will end up dead and any writer will mourn when they finally wrap up a project they’ve been doing for ten years or so (just like Ms. Rowling does).

Of course, I wouldn’t bet my life on it. After all, it’s only a gut feeling. To find out whether Harry will be dead or not, we just have to wait until the book is at stores--only God and Ms. Rowling know when it will be. Regardless of how Book Seven will end up, I’m sure I’ll enjoy every part of it.