Wednesday, January 30, 2008

HOL Accomplishment

My team made it to the semi-final! Yay! It might not be a big deal, yet for this particular task, I can’t help being proud of us, of myself.

Task 7 was a multimedia task in which the teams were required to create something funny regarding Dolores Umbridge. I suggested making a comic, since I couldn’t think of anything better and simpler, and my partner agreed. And that’s what we decided to make in the end. She created a hilarious Umbridge story and I was left with the responsibility of drawing the comic. No problem. Except for one minor hitch. I couldn’t draw.

There were quite a lot that I had to do before I started drawing. Animals were my weakest point, and because a frog was to be presented in the story, I needed to find frog-illustration as example. After that, I dug into my magazine collection for some doujinshis, to get an idea of how panels were parted.

I will definitely upload the fan-comic here once the winner of task 7 is announced. Until then, I’m going to enjoy this intoxicating sense of self-accomplishment.

Note: Of course, my thanks should go to my partner, Neti, for her story.