Saturday, October 14, 2006

(The Lack of) Separation Anxiety

As the title suggests, this piece shares somewhat similar theme with my previous post. How uncreative I am! However, since it’s the only thing that constantly hung over my head these days--it just has to suffice. For now.

In the aftermath of our class gathering two days ago, a friend of mine pointed out the sadness she felt when contemplating about our togetherness due to the fact that we’ll soon no longer be together; because we’re about to go separate ways. Normal response anyone would show under the circumstances.

Here’s the “funny” part. I don’t even feel remotely sad about either remembering the past, or separating.

It’s probably because I’ll still be around (campus) until the end of the year. With that in mind, it’s very likely that I (subconsciously) don’t consider myself being separated from my friends at all. You know, because the campus is a physical representation of many fond memories (and because some of my friends will still be spending some time in the campus as well).

On the other hand, I’ve been away from them (most of them, at least) for the last year; maybe not physically, but mentally and emotionally. So, being physically distant shouldn’t be a big of a deal because it will only be an extension of what has been.

Plus the realization that separation (and its’ consequences) is inevitable makes it useless brood over it anyway.

Of course, there’s also the possibility that the above explanations are total crap and I’m just a cold-hearted person to begin with. You decide.